Who We Are

The Salvation Story

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life."
— John 3:16

Mankind was created in the image of God to enjoy fellowship with Him for all eternity. Only the holiness and righteousness of God can make this true fellowship possible.

In rebellion against God, we have rejected His eternal holiness and righteousness, and have substituted it with our own. This is called sin. It is counterfeit righteousness, and it is the cause of the broken world in which we now live.

But God sent Jesus Christ into the world to show us who we are truly meant to be as image bearers of our Creator God. This Jesus not only showed us true righteousness in God's love, but He gave His life on the cross as an atonement for our sins. When God raised Him from the dead on the third day, He revealed to us the truth of eternal life that is offered to us. This gift of God cannot be earned, but it is given to us freely when we turn from our sins, ask Jesus for forgiveness, and strive with our whole heart, mind, soul and body to live a life holy unto the Lord.

Those who surrender their lives to Jesus will be filled with the Holy Spirit and the evidence of His goodness, righteousness, and love will be present in their lives.

Thus, through our lives, the image of God's goodness come forth. Receiving God's gift of His son Jesus into our hearts brings salvation, the cleansing of sin and the ability to share in eternal fellowship with God and with His people in true love, joy and peace. It is a process that begins when we turn to Christ and is brought to consummation when we die, as we are transformed into the image of Christ to live with Him for all eternity.

Core Doctrine

The Bible

The Bible is the Holy inspired word of God.

The Trinity

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit make up the Trinity, three in One.

The Virgin Birth

Jesus was born of the virgin Mary.

Jesus' Death and Resurrection

Jesus was crucified on the cross as an atonement for our sins, and He rose in victory over death and the grave.


We practice baptism by immersion of all believers.


Communion is open to all believers.


Believers are called and empowered to live in holiness by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.


Lynchwood requires no formal church membership. Accepting Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior makes you a member of His church.


We believe in one general resurrection of the dead when Christ returns.

The Church Exists To

Worship the Lord

Reach the Lost

Celebrate Unity

Disciple Believers

Live Out the Love of Christ

Equip for Ministry

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Lynchwood Church of God is affilated with the Church of God (Anderson, IN). Visit their website: JesusIsTheSubject.org.